Our Board Chair, Jeff, and our Marketing & Community Engagement Manager, Stephanie, were so excited to visit Alpha Bravo Canine and share that our Giving Tuesday campaign was a success! But, most importantly, they got to spend some time with our favorite hard-working pups!

This amazing local nonprofit raises, trains, and donates service dogs to local combat veterans suffering with PTSD, TBI, or other disabilities. After two years of intensive training, each amazing dog is placed with a veteran. Knowledgeable trainers raise and teach PTSD service dogs general commands to assist veterans. Then each dog is further trained for the specific needs of each particular veteran. ABC provides lifetime support and refresher training to each pair. With more than 30,000 veterans in Bucks County, they make an enormous difference in the lives of our neighbors.
Thanks to the incredible generosity of our friends and supporters, we donated $10,000. This donation will provide everything that a veteran needs for the first year with their new battle buddy – working vest, food, vet bills, training treats, and much more.
We can’t wait to see Sibley and Scotty graduate and start the loving work of supporting local veterans!
Alpha Bravo Canine is always looking for puppy raisers, so please visit their website to learn more.