Showing off cars MUAC Car Show

2020 Muscle Up Car Show

Stepping up in a Pandemic World

Sauers Cares saw a need to step up during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic and decided to help the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia's (CHOP) COVID-19 Unit. We used the proceeds from MUAC Car Show 2020 to support CHOP COVID plans, including expanding telemedicine and providing vaccinations for the most vulnerable children. Sauers Cares donated $6,765 to help the hospital's COVID relief efforts.

A Car Show Cause Pivot 

Traditionally, our car show supports cancer-related causes, but Sauers Cares decided as a group to pivot. CHOP is a well-known children's hospital that had to make many adaptations during the 2020 pandemic. We all trust CHOP and wanted to support their dedicated staff that was working tirelessly on delivering vaccines.  The CHOP staff was also rapidly pivoting all of their appointments to telemedicine so they could continue to care for their patients.

We are grateful for places like CHOP that are geared towards assisting the greatest needs of a community, rapidly. We look forward to helping them make a difference in others' lives in the future!

Visit the CHOP website to learn more about their cause:  CLICK HERE

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