Volunteers MUAC Car Show

A Lifelong Partnership

The American Cancer Society (ACS) and Sauers Cares enjoy a lengthy, rich history.

The Birth of Sauers Cares

Growing up, Our CEO and Founder, Stephanie Sauers-Boyd, was always involved in charitable causes. After her mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2000, Stephanie became involved with the American Cancer Society’s Eastern Montgomery County Relay for Life. Since then, she has held multiple positions with the Eastern Montgomery County Relay for Life planning committee and by 2010, she became instrumental in helping to raise funds for this organization.

With the continued success of her fundraising events at the American Cancer Society, Stephanie hoped to expand her role to support broader community needs. This connection with the ACS is actually where Sauers Cares was born. At its core, Sauers Cares embodies Stephanie’s love for community and the care community relationships provide. Stephanie, along with her core leadership team, founded Sauers Cares with the intention of providing this kind of community care and support for as many local causes as possible in the Bucks and Montgomery county areas.

A Lifelong Partnership with the American Cancer Society

Beyond the Relay for Life, donations and fees from events like Sauers Cares' 2018 and 2019 Muscle Up Against Cancer Car Show have gone to benefit ACS, to provide much-needed funding for a variety of projects and programs.

To learn more about their mission and programs, visit www.cancer.org.

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